Delivering dynamic and accurate forecasts that can improve decision making thorough out an organisation. Assessing core targets and opportunities allowing the team to allocate resources and deliver sales targets.
Wildcat Spirits is about working as a team to help boost sales and profitability we look at delivering results for our partners. The process is hands on with an approach that is honest and transparent. Wildcat Spirits was established to assist companies who do not have the resources or experience to increase their sales globally.
A sales strategy is more than just selling it is about identifying where the opportunities are to be found and working out a cohesive plan that fits both with the brand and with the market. It is also about nurturing the business relationship with our customer and their distributor. By having the most effective sales strategy we will be able to increase our customers success and streamline daily tasks. It is an often-quoted statement by Benjamin Franklin but it rings true – “if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”
“As the owner of one of leading Craft Whisky Distilleries in the United States, James has impressed me with his amazing breadth of knowledge, passion and dedication. I have witnessed first hand that James is truly a unique asset to any Brand and carries a vivid sense of place and inspiration during his educational and sales meetings.”
Richard Stabile, Founder & CEO – Long Island Spirits, USA.